Okki nokki problem

I'm having some trouble with my new Okki Nokki and I'm wondering whether some more experienced users could give me some hints. Page berichtenjuli 2014Okki Nokki drama?

Page 4berichtenjan 2014Meer resultaten van forums. Okki Nokki – Am I expecting too much? I've had my Okki Nokki RCM for three weeks. Hi All, After upgrading from a manual cleaner to the Okki Nokki MKIV a few months ago, i was in vinyl cleaning heaven up until a few weeks .

Whilst most people with an Okki Nokki would agree that, for the money, they. Okki Nokki RCM queriesberichtensept 2014First report Okki Nokkiberichtendec 2012okki nokkiberichtenjuli 2012Okki Nokki arrrivedberichtenfeb 2010Meer resultaten van forums. Okki Nokki RCM Record Cleaning Machine.

We interviewed the inventor of the Okki Nokki, the high-end record-cleaning. The problem was that the record cleaning machines were too . Based in The Netherlands, and imported by VANA Ltd in the USA, the team at Okki Nokki addresses this ongoing problem with their newly updated RCM-II . So I am taking the plunge with some savings and buying an Okki Nokki RCM. I faced some small issues with the sensor that indicates that the liquid tank is full.

Like the VPI, the Okki Nokki has a drainage tube that extends from a small opening.

To drain the Okki Nokki of any used flui you gently pull the tube from the. I had a problem initially with the platter not being level, and contacted Okki Nokki. Turns out the platter is purposefully flexible and can easily be bent to make it . Have had my Okki for a few months now but not cleaned a whole lot - I cleaned half a dozen vinyls back . The problem I'm having is with the vacuum tube getting slightly jammed when I go to place it on a record and it also doesn't automatically lift off . My friend with his Okki Nokki also has no problems with this type of water. Also, using the alcohol makes the records easier to dry as it is more . The Okki Nokki new MKII Refinments Make this the Best Value in RCM.

The vacuum is as quiet as a vacuum could be and dries the record with no problem. Problem z Okki Nokki - napisał w Analog: Myjkę kupiłem niecałe roku temu. Po kilku miesiącach używania okazało się, że ramię przestaje . I had a similar problem when I got mine and I called Emporium whom I bought it from. It's very strange, but I think that some arm batch had this problem. Ist sehr fummelig und bin irritiert das nirgends das Problem als solche errötert wurde.

Ich wenigstens habe nichts gefunden.


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